Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Half Birthday

I'm having a really hard time believing that 6 very short months ago Ami was born. It has flown by so fast. He has grown up and changed so much. Looking back on his pictures he doesn't even look like the same baby. He now weighs a little over 13 lbs and is as tall as some of the one year olds at my work. He looks more and more like a toddler everyday. Just in the past week he has started to stand up and hold himself up for more than 15 seconds. He is trying to sit up but he leans to get a toy and falls over. He loves his exersaucer because he can jump and bounce in it. He loves to touch everything. Especially the cat. He talks and squeals really loud. He starts off squealing in a low tone and gradually gets higher until it's so high that no sound comes out. He definitely is babbling. He makes all kinds of different consonant and vowel sounds. He likes for you to repeat back the sounds he's making or to repeat back the sounds you make. It's almost like you can see him learning. Josh says it looks like he is a sponge and soaking it all in. To me It's like you can see the wheels turning. He figures things out pretty quickly and remembers things. He knows that at Nana and Papa's there is this thing that puts out this white stuff in the air and he looks for it. He can't figure out why he can't touch the white stuff though. (It's the humidifier) He stares at the clouds and trees when he's in the car. Super fun, he is starting to get separation anxiety. He doesn't get upset when we leave, but when we come back. He doesn't like for us to leave the room without taking him with us. One day Josh left for work and didn't hold him before he left. Ami cried for 10 minutes, you could tell it broke his little heart. Daddy isn't allowed to do that anymore. Over all though he is still a very happy baby. He's had a bit of a cold lately, and I think his teeth have been bothering his so he's been a little on the cranky side. Mostly though he's only crying when he's tired, hungry, or bored. We have taken him to a restaurant three times now and he has done great every time. I think he is starting to understand what eating is. He hasn't been eating his solid food very well lately because of his cold but it's getting better. He has now eaten all of the baby food veggies that they typically sell and is on to meats. Today he tried beef with beef gravy. It smelled like canned dog food and grossed me out but he seemed to like it. I feel bad giving him something that looks and smells so bad, but I know there is no way that I could make the meats like they do. I'm on the search for YoBaby yogurt but no store in the area seems to carry it any more. I guess if I can't find it regular yogurt will do. After the meat we will move on to fruits. So far the only food he doesn't like is the rice cereal. He really likes the barley so Josh says he's gonna be a beer drinker. Just a few more weeks and he will go back to the doctor and hopefully get the ok to come back to daycare. I'm really excited. I hired a new girl last week. She and I worked together at the in home daycare, and she is wonderful. She is very responsible and I know that I can trust her to be left at the center "in charge" so I can leave early and be able to spend time with my family. It just stinks that she can only work 3 days a weeks. Oh well it's better then what I am doing right now. I feel like I have missed out on so much. And in another very short 6 months my baby isn't going to be a baby any more. Time flies when you're having fun.    

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Food

Mr. Man has officially tried all the baby food veggies I made. Next is meat products. He likes all of the veggies and eats them really well. When he eats he goes mmmm after he takes a bite. It's pretty funny. He's still doing well health wise. He goes back to the doc on March 4th for his 6 month check up. I can't believe he's going to be 6 months old in a week. He's getting so big. Still skinny but long. He is in 6 month onesies but 3 month pants. Granted the pants come up almost to his knees because they are so short but they fit around the waist. He wears a lot of one piece outfits. He's a super good baby. Most of the time he will play by himself and keep himself entertained. He likes people and going places because there is so much for him to see. He went through a spurt of not wanting to sleep all night but last night he went to bed at 7:30 and woke up at 5. He's going to stay the night with Grandma and Grandpa tonight. Tomorrow we are going to a family birthday party. It's finally getting warmer outside and hopefully this snow will melt. I am ready to go for walks and play in the sunshine.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Boy

We took Ami Saturday for his first trip to a restaurant and his first outing since he got sick. We went and ate at Perkin's for breakfast and to the HBA Home Show. He did so good. He slept most of the time at breakfast and he looked at every thing at the home show. He still only weighs 12 lbs but you can tell he is starting to fill out. He eats a lot more bottle now. He always finishes 4 oz some times he'll take all the way up to 6. He has eaten all cereals, avocado, and peas. Tomorrow he is starting on green beans. He sleeps through the night for the most part. He is getting a lot more stomach muscles and control. He tries to sit up when you have him in your lap or his bouncy seat. He now eats in his highchair and does really well in it. He likes to pat the tray. He is also at the stage where he wants to touch every thing. He touches your face when you feed him, he loves to touch the faucet and running water. When he sees his bottle or just a nipple on the counter he reaches for it and tries to put it in his mouth. He's gonna be 6 months old in about half a month. I can't believe his is this old and big already. I'm getting pretty excited that next month he gets to come back to daycare and I can see him when ever I want. We got to spend the last 2 days together because the center was closed because of the snow. It was really nice to be able to play with him and work on things with him. I wish I could stay home with him all the time. He is getting such a little personality on him. He's gonna be very stubborn and I think he's gonna have his daddy's sense of humor. He is very rotten and likes things his way or he throws a fit. Sound familiar? Looks like that's what he got from me. We are going to have our hands full in the next few months. Good thing though he still likes to cuddle.