Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big Boy

We took Ami Saturday for his first trip to a restaurant and his first outing since he got sick. We went and ate at Perkin's for breakfast and to the HBA Home Show. He did so good. He slept most of the time at breakfast and he looked at every thing at the home show. He still only weighs 12 lbs but you can tell he is starting to fill out. He eats a lot more bottle now. He always finishes 4 oz some times he'll take all the way up to 6. He has eaten all cereals, avocado, and peas. Tomorrow he is starting on green beans. He sleeps through the night for the most part. He is getting a lot more stomach muscles and control. He tries to sit up when you have him in your lap or his bouncy seat. He now eats in his highchair and does really well in it. He likes to pat the tray. He is also at the stage where he wants to touch every thing. He touches your face when you feed him, he loves to touch the faucet and running water. When he sees his bottle or just a nipple on the counter he reaches for it and tries to put it in his mouth. He's gonna be 6 months old in about half a month. I can't believe his is this old and big already. I'm getting pretty excited that next month he gets to come back to daycare and I can see him when ever I want. We got to spend the last 2 days together because the center was closed because of the snow. It was really nice to be able to play with him and work on things with him. I wish I could stay home with him all the time. He is getting such a little personality on him. He's gonna be very stubborn and I think he's gonna have his daddy's sense of humor. He is very rotten and likes things his way or he throws a fit. Sound familiar? Looks like that's what he got from me. We are going to have our hands full in the next few months. Good thing though he still likes to cuddle.

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