I can not believe how fast the last 3 years have flown by. Ami is no longer a baby or a toddler, he's a kid. He learns so many new things everyday. He is very smart. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is reading when he's 4. I hope his love for learning continues for a long time. This kid is going places.
I'm sure you all know that he is going to be a big brother. He is very excited about it. He was dead on when he told us the baby was a sister. Josh still isn't too keen on having a girl but there isn't a whole lot we can do about it. I emailed the specialist yesterday asking her a bunch of questions. I asked if this baby has NEHI as well, will she present the same way Ami did. I also asked if there are any special things we should do once she is born. I asked if she had any suggestions for nursing since that was such a huge issue for Ami. I got a long email back, but the just of it was they have no idea. They now believe NEHI is an autosomal dominant gene. Which means that it is a dominat gene carried by one parent. This means that each child has a 50/50 chance of having the disease. She also told me that every child is different so there is no way of knowing how she might present with the disease. She may have a more severe case or a more mild one. She told me that if we notice rapid breathing or retracting we should start testing but not automatically assume she has NEHI. She said she wants all of the same tests ran just not the lung biopsy. That's soooooo many things to test for. That's a lot of blood draws. That's putting her under for bronchial lavages, and CT scans. It's a lot to watch a little tiny baby go through. I'm not excited at all. She also suggested having more frequent weight checks. I'm having a lot of anxiety about it all. I want so much for her to be healthy.
We are going to be staying in our house for a few more years. When Ami was in the hospital so much, and having all of the tests done, we had to live off our credit cards. We also got sent to collections a lot because of the enormous bills. All of that tanked our credit. We are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, and hope to have our credit back in 3 years or so.
Josh got a "promotion" at work and really seems to be enjoying it. He is now in charge of all the ordering they have there. He's pretty much second in comand. He's starting to understand the stresses of being the boss man.
I am planning on going back to school for spring semester. I still very much want to open up my own center. I want to get a degree in business management and marketing. I have worked at enough centers to know that if you don't have a good grasp on the business side of daycare then you aren't going to make it very far.
Life is busy and crazy but it goes on.
Hurray I'm One

Friday, June 28, 2013
My baby isn't a baby any more
Monday, January 21, 2013
Holy Two Year Old Batman
Big thanks to my mom, who brought to my attention it's been a long time since I have written in my blogs.
Wow a lot has happened since August. Lets recap: Ami started getting sick at Halloween and stayed that way for the next six weeks. At the end of November or beginning of December we took him to Silver Dollar City so he could see the Christmas lights. Very cool stuff. Christmas went really well. We were able to spend the weekend with my grandparents in Eminence. We made it to just about every family gathering. There was the feeding tube incident Christmas morning; but what holiday season is complete for Amadeus, without a trip to the hospital? He is also completely done with his therapies! Thanks Nana. We couldn't be where we are today without you.
We just recently took the rails off of Ami's crib. (He has been sleeping at the grandmas' houses in a big boy bed for quite a while now.) He loves it. I love the fact that he hasn't figured out he can willingly get off of it. The first two nights were rough. He fell out once each night. Now he has a mesh rail thing on one side to keep him in.
He is growing up way to fast, and I have a love-hate relationship with it all. I love watching him learn new things, and get so excited about the littlest stuff. He is starting to express his love to us. He is so smart, and he wants to learn. He is starting to come out of his comfort bubble, and is realizing how fun this world is. I hate the huge fits in the middle of Walmart. I hate seeing him so socially awkward around other children. I hate the days he just lays in his bed talking and kicking his feet on the wall instead of taking a nap AND then he is horrible two hours after you finally let him get up and the rest of your night sucks. Yes I do know that was a huge run on sentence but jeez. Josh and I joke that this is the crap people don't tell you about when your going to have a kid. Everyone who dares to go through all of this more than once is crazy and my hero. I could never do it. Most of all I hate seeing the little glimps of "kid" coming out. There are times where I realize that I am having a full conversation with him! He wants to do everything we do, and he wants to do it all by himself. He is realizing he has a choice in certian decisions. The toddler moments are disappearing. He's almost three! WHAT?!? These past couple of years have flown by. Next is kindergarten, and that moment will get here just as fast as this moment has. I hate it.
Medically, 2012 was awesome. He went to the hospital twice, and once was scheduled. Ami has had his feeding tube for a year now. In that year it has been changed three times, twice because it fell out. He went to urgent care a couple of times, and the doctor way less often. He is now on the growth cart and, is curving! He is eating so many more types of foods I never thought he would do. He can skip, and jump several times in a row with both feet off the ground. I could almost bet by this time next year he is starting to read.
Being a mom to this amazing little boy is the best thing ever. 2012 was a wonderful year, and I am so excited to see what 2013 has in store for our little family.
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