Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Monday, July 25, 2011

Almost a Toddler

In less than a month my little baby won't be a baby anymore. He is becoming a big boy very quickly. He now has 4 teeth. This 4th tooth is treating him horribly. It has made him the grumpiest out of all of them. He has had diarrhea for weeks now, and he doesn't sleep very much at night. Last night he was up every hour and a half. He has a 6 word vocabulary and can bark and meow. He can say mama, dada, uh-oh, ouch, no, and nana. When we went to St. Louis he had gained a pound and an ounce, and 1/4th of an inch in a month and a half. Dr. Rivera was very pleased with this gain. He is gaining like a newborn. If he keeps up at this rate he might be a normal sized baby soon. He does a crawl/scoot now. I think that is the best we are going to get. He can pull up on things and stand there holding on. He pushes himself up onto this hands and feet and makes a triangle out of himself and the floor. So I think he is trying to stand. The physical therapist said that he is back on track, still a little behind but catching up quick.
We went to St. Louis on the 7th and had a pulmonary functions test. His results were great. He is breathing better then he should for his age. The only thing that was low was that his lungs aren't as stretchy as they should be. It wasn't very low. They want him between a 1 and a 2 and he was .78. But being a baby his lungs are as stretchy as they will ever be. His test wasn't conclusive with the disease they are thinking he might have. We are still waiting to see  the results from the biopsy. The biopsy was sent to a different facility to be looked at. They are looking at it as a favor for our doctor so she was unsure as to when the results should be in. We go back to St. Louis Sept. 2nd for a CT scan and another check up. I'm not sure why we are going back to St. Louis for that since that all can be done here and sent to her. I plan on talking with Dr. Moore about it at his one year check up. I'm not very happy with St. Louis Children's and hopefully we can have her send our case to another facility either Cincinnati, Colorado, or Texas to have it looked over.
We are getting ready for the big day! We are taking him to have his pictures taken the morning of his birthday with Erica, the lady that took our wedding pictures. The next day is his party at Danny and Gina's. I'm so excited for it. I've already ordered the cake, there is going to be lots of water fun, and a little mini petting zoo! I'm just so excited.
I started to try to break him of the bottle last week. It did not go so well. I talked to some of the other moms on the support group and they all waited until their kids were 18 months or older. Just because of these kids needing so much calories. He is drinking the Pediasure now so that's good. I'm not going to push the bottle thing until he gets on more solid foods and takes the sippy cup better. He still chokes so easily on solids it's hard to get him to eat them plus one day he will loves something and the next he won't touch it.
One thing is for sure he is definitely my son. He does things when he wants to do them and how he wants to do them. He is a challenge. The physical therapist said she has never seen a baby so stubborn. I just smile and say yeah that's Amadeus. We still love him though.

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