Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Update on Amadeus

Wow a lot has happened the past couple of months. I am very pleased to say that everyone stayed healthy enough to be able to go to the holidays this year! I am also pleased to say we have avoided the hospital so far; urgent care has been a different story. Right after Thanksgiving we took Ami to urgent care. He had a cough, green snot, and a slight fever. He had a chest x-ray done and the doctor said that it looked better than the last 3 he had. Diagnosis was a bronchial infection and gave us antibiotics. Then the stomach flu struck, and it was horrible this year. Then about a week later his snot went from clear to green in 3 days. Took him in and he had a sinus infection, and another antibiotic was given. He was better for about a week. The 30th he had his tongue clipped and everything went great. That afternoon he spiked a fever that we couldn't get rid of. We took him to urgent care on the 31st and he had an ear infection in his left ear, and another antibiotic was given. Josh took him for his weight check on Friday and she believes he also has a sinus infection again. The antibiotic he is currently on should take care of the ear and sinuses.
     That brings us up to date. So Friday we got some interesting news. We have lost the battle with weight. Ami is getting a feeding tube. As much as we have tried to avoid this situation, I do believe it is for the best. The nutritionist wants him to eat 1300-1400 calories a day. 600 should come from food and the rest from the Pediasures he drinks. On a good day he eats maybe 300-400 calories plus Pediasures. We see the surgeon on Tuesday about the feeding tube. Really that's all we know. We don't know what kind he is getting,, or how long he will have it for. I have a ton of questions for the doctor. It's going to be an interesting experience. The reason Ami needs so many calories is, one, because we are try to play catch up, and, two, because of how he breathes. Ami weighs 19 lbs and 7 oz. Most kids his age weigh at least 22-25 lbs. He also breathes twice as fast as a child his age should. He takes about 60 breathes or more a minute. Plus he has been sick and it takes a lot of energy for your body to fight an illness. I think that is why we have seen a weight drop in the past several months.
    On a brighter note he is doing great every where else. He can now drink from a cup without any leakage. He can squat down in the middle of the floor, pick something up, and stand back up. He can stand up in the middle of the room from a sitting position. He has about 20 words and is trying to make 2 word sentences..Still only 8 teeth but the "I" teeth are on their way. He is trying to feed himself with a spoon. He is becoming very independent and is pushing all of his boundaries. He is interested in the potty, especially the toilet paper and flushing. He has starting climbing. He is getting very big very fast. I know that's what I always say but geez he is changing a lot right now. He is also at my favorite age. He is getting to be really fun with his little attitude and his new found mobility, but he is still very baby like and wanting to snuggle. Like his doctor said he is too smart for his britches. He has never met a stranger and is always happy. Everybody loves him where ever we go. The doctor also says he lungs sound better than they ever have; the breathing treatments must be working.
     I will post another update after Ami gets his feeding tube and we get the hang of everything.

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