Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

18 months

Amadeus turned 18 months on Sunday. He is such a toddler now. When you look at him you can hardly see that little baby any more. He is doing so well in physical and speech therapy. His feeding tube looks really good and he is handling it like a champ. I'm so proud to be his mama.I took him for a weight check today and he weighs 21 lbs 1 oz and the doctor is very happy with his progress. We don't have to go back for a month. She also prescribed an appetite stimulant to help out.
Josh and I took him to the park this past weekend. He loved it. He climbed the stairs and went down the slide all by himself. I can't wait for the weather to stay nice so we can take him more often. Josh and I have talked about get him into some sort of play group this spring. He wants to play with other children so bad. Its so hard to tell him he can't and move him away. He is very sociable and doesn't seem to shy away from playing with other kids. I hate keeping him away, but I'm very happy to have avoided a major illness so far this year.
This Friday is mine and Josh's 4 year anniversary. My parents are supposed to keep him over night on Saturday. This will be the first time anyone had kept him since he had his tube put in. My mom is pretty nervous.
I got a new tattoo last week. I got a pin wheel on my left shoulder blade. Yes it hurt but I love it. I chose a pin wheel because its the symbol the chILD foundation uses. I wanted to have a forever way of raising awareness and showing Ami how proud I am of him.

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