Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

     It is March 13th and it is supposed to be 80 degrees today. The trees are blooming, the grass is turning green, and last night we could hear frogs! I am more than happy so see winter go. It's such a stressful time for us; it brings up a lot of anxiety. I am so happy to be able to report Amadeus got through cold and flu season with 2 sinus infections and 1 ear infection. I will gladly pay $1,500 every month for 5 months to not have RSV. The only hospital stay was a scheduled event that lasted for as long as they said it would. Even though we were at the doctor on average once every 2 weeks I'd say this was a very successful winter.

     It's been nice to be able to take him out in public again. We took him to the circus on Sunday. He was a little freaked out at first, but it quickly grew on him. The clowns were very scary, but the elephants are the coolest thing EVER. He kept saying "Mom, please, please" and pointing at them. I see visit to the zoo in our near future. We've taken him out to eat with us and shopping. I really want to take him to Jump Mania. It's an indoor bounce house play center. Now that he is so caught up on his gross motor, and his tube has healed so much I think he'll really like it. This spring and summer are going to be so fun.

     He had his OT evaluation today. Think it went pretty well. From all of the questionnaires I filled out I feel like he does have some areas of need, but I don't think it's going to be major or hard to correct. He also had PT today. He is still on target, but needs to keep working on walking down stairs. He also has started to walk on his tip toes. When I told his therapist about it she said that is normal for children who have sensory issues. The last 2 times Ami has gone to speech I have let him go back with the therapist alone. He has done so much better. He is talking and participating more. He responds and mimics so much more. She is very impressed with his language skills.

     Something that I have noticed about Ami is that he has a lot of the issues Josh and I have/had. Josh and Ami both have extreme oral sensitivity.They both have to chew on something all the time. Ami and I have texture issues. We both are very tactile. We want to know how everything feels. We touch everything. We like the same textures. I walked on my tip toes a lot when I was younger. Good thing is we know why he is doing what he is doing, and we are getting him help early.

     Last week at the doctor he weighed 21 lbs 11 oz. He gained 10 oz in 8 days. I was very impressed. He goes back on the 20th for his 18 month check up. I don't know why we need to an official one. He sees her all the time, and she always goes every aspect. But that's fine I'm always up for a weigh in. We have changed his diet and feeding patterns again. Hopefully this one will work out, and we can get into a better schedule of eating. I haven't noticed a change in his eating since starting the appetite stimulant, but I've been told that it can take up to 30 days.

     Josh and I had an awesome anniversary. We went to a comedy show, and then out for sushi. Josh has been having a much better time at work so that's been nice. He also got a good review this year and a nice raise. We are joining a gym. By the way nothing good comes from looking up your BMI. Just saying. I am happy to see spring and looking forward to a much less stressful future.

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