Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's been a while

 Hanging out on the floor
 I think I am full now
 Our very own elf on the shelf.
SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

 I know him!

Let's see... We had our first family Christmas. We even got a tiny tree! Ami was wide awake and ready to go at 6:30 Christmas morning. He is already excited for presents. He got toys from Grandma Kelli and Grandpa Wayne. He got clothes from Nana and Papa. He gave everyone pictures of his cute little face for Christmas. He dressed up like an elf on Christmas Eve and Santa on Christmas day. It snowed on Christmas day. Not much but it was snow. He is now eating rice cereal every morning. When we first started it made his belly hurt and he would cry and cry. His system is handling it better now. He still is not a big fan of it. New Years Eve was pretty uneventful. The only reason I was awake at midnight was because I was feeding Ami. I guess the thing to do in Republic is to set off fire works. Ami went back to the doctor and weighed 11 lbs 15 oz and was 25in long. He is in the 50th percentile in height and 5th percentile in weight. The doctor isn't concerned with his weight because he is gaining weight just fine. He just isn't a fat baby. He is now broke of the swing. We can now for the most part just lay him in his bed when he gets sleepy and he will fall asleep on his own. He is waking up less often and taking longer naps during the day now. I think the hospital and sickness stressed him out. I know how much it stressed me out and things are so much more overwhelming for a child. Nana has been super wonderful and has quit her job to help us with Ami, since he is quarantined until March. She is going to take care of him. I think Ami will enjoy all of his one on one attention. He's gonna be even more rotten when he has to go back to daycare and share the attention. He is becoming very demanding and a strong willed child. He wants things a certain way and when he wants them.  He is smiling all the time and laughing more often. He will now look at you and start laughing. I can't tell if he thinks we are funny or if he is remembering how fun we are. He is noticeably more aware of who Josh and I are. He plays by himself either in his bouncy seat, exersaucer, or on the floor. He likes to be tossed up in the air and to fly around like Super Man. He can roll from his back to his belly. He gets one arm stuck underneath him but still plays. He smacks his lips like he's giving kisses and makes the Mmmmm sound. Yep Mama is going to be his first word. They really do grow up fast.

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