Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Yesterday was a wonderful day! Like everyday here lately I got to spend it with my most favorite little man. We didn't do anything special just a nice day at home. We did have a bath time photo shoot and the pictures were great like always. I would have to say being a mommy is way better then I thought it was going to be. My mom always said kids break your heart. She was right, but she forgot to mention that it is worth every minute of it. One toothy, slobbery smile can make everything wonderful. I have been lucky enough to be able to stay home with him for the past few weeks. I am going tomorrow to see if we can get some help from Uncle Sam and maybe, hopefully, it can stay that way.
I can't believe he is going to be one in just 3 months. I think he is teething again. Very slobbery, and cranky. Other then that he is doing great. We still haven't heard anything back on his test results, we see his pulmonologist next Tuesday and his pediatrician next Friday. He is gaining weight, he now weighs 15lbs 4oz. He still isn't crawling but he is interested in moving. He has also started separation anxiety. It's about as fun as teething. He is super smart and picks up on things quickly. He learned to clap the first time we showed him how.

I will update more after we get tests in and we go to the doctors. Enjoy the wonderful weather!

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