Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Feeling Better

I took Ami to the doctor on Monday, and she wanted to see him again this week before Christmas so I took him again today. He has gained 5oz in 2 days; which is good since he hasn't gained any weight in over a month. His ear look questionable so next week when I take him back she will check it again. He is breathing easier each day. Last night we had him off oxygen for a while just to see what would happen. He dropped to 88 then came back up to 94, then would drop to 90 and go back up again. I let him sleep a couple of hours without the oxygen. He hates that thing in his nose, and I don't blame him. When he goes back on Thursday he's also going to have his 4 month check up, which means shots. I asked her how long we needed to quarantine him for, and she suggested through Feb. I have no idea how on earth I am going to keep him home for two months. She said that RSV does a lot of damage to the lungs. He might be over the RSV in a couple of weeks, but it will take a while for his lungs to heal from it. She also said kids that get RSV also get respiratory illness much easier than others, and if he gets too many respiratory illnesses it can affect him for the rest of his life. So if I thought I was stressed out before I definitely am now. On a brighter note we tried rice cereal last night. It went over like a lead balloon. He screamed like we were feeding him acid on that spoon. But he was a little hacked off to begin with. I guess we'll try again tonight and see where we get. He slept horrible last night. He went to bed at 8 and woke up at 10:30, then again at 11:50, 12:50, 1:50, 2:30, 3:30, and 5:30. And of course it was my night to have him. He wanted to be held to sleep. The swing didn't even seem to help. I'm pretty bummed out that we have to stay home for Christmas. Christmas eve we are going to bake cookies for Santa. On Christmas my parents are going to come over in the morning but other then that it's going to be a movie marathon day. We are going to have our own Christmas steak dinner. That may be the only good thing, no ham. Maybe it will snow...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Hospital

Sunday Dec 12 we got to take a very exciting trip in an ambulance to St. Johns. I called the nurse on call to see if I needed to take him into urgent care or the er and she listened to him breathing and informed me she was calling the ambulance for us. When we got there he was given a chest xray and they told us he had pneumonia again. They also swabbed his nose. When we got up to his room is when they informed us that he had RSV. We spent 6 very long days in the hospital. He was a roller coaster there. One day he didn't need his IV any more, the next he stopped eating and started having diarrhea so they started the IV again. One day he didn't need oxygen any more a few hours later they had to turn it back on and turn the flow up. I couldn't tell if he was getting better, staying the same, or getting worse. Every night he would spike a fever. He would cough so hard he would throw up. He went hoarse from the coughing. He got an ear infection. We are all exhausted, stressed, and emotional about it.  He came home yesterday. He is still on oxygen and a pulse ox monitor. He pretty much sleeps all the time. He can stay awake for about an hour, hour and a half. He does talk to you, smile, play, and just hang out which is a huge improvement from just Thursday. I'm so ready to have my happy baby back. Ami has been sick for almost a month now. First pneumonia and ear infection, then the stomach flu, now this. I am so close to pulling him from daycare. I have been working in daycare for years and I know that kids get sick but good grief. I know it's not necessarily the daycare's fault. They clean, I've seen it. I work there but the hospital stay has just about pushed me over the edge. If I take him out of daycare then what do I do with him? I have to work, Josh has to work, and really there is no one else that can really take care of him. Plus I know I would miss him like crazy if he wasn't there with me. I know I'm just upset right now but I have the right to be. We did have some super great nurses though. You could tell that they liked what they were doing, and they cared about his well being. It also kind of helped that I knew two of them personally. The doctor said to keep him isolated for a while because his immune system is shot right now. I'm afraid we won't be making it to any Christmases this year. Everyone will have to come and see us. I'm glad that he won't be able to remember any of this. I'm afraid it's going to turn me into one of those neurotic moms that freak out about every little thing now. One of those moms that I can't stand. We really appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers that were sent our way. We appreciate all of the help and support everyone has given also. He is one very loved little boy and we are a very blessed family.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sick Baby

Ami is feeling much better from his pneumonia and ear infection but now he has the stomach flu. He woke up Tuesday night at midnight throwing up, and he keep doing that until about 3:30 am. He stayed home with Josh yesterday and had diarrhea. He threw up once again yesterday evening and again this morning. He's been sleeping a lot and just can't seem to get comfortable for very long. We have him on Pedialite to help keep him hydrated. Today he is going to stay home with Aunt Trista. I really hope he feels better soon. It's very stressful when you have a sick baby. Needless to say Josh and I are exhausted. We still haven't seen Santa because he has been so sick lately. Ami is starting to get to the point of thinking about rolling over. When he's on his tummy he twists his body around but those darn arms get in the way. He goes to the doctor on the 17th for his 4 month check up and shots again. We are getting ready to start him on rice cereal. He is getting so big. A year ago today is when I found out I was pregnant. Lots of things change in a year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bad Day

It's amazing how I can have the worst day ever, and some how Ami brings me out of it. He giggled today. It was super cute. I was tickling him and he giggled. He only did it once for me but his teacher said he did it several times with her. I walked into his classroom this afternoon, and his teacher had all of the little babies all lined up in a row reading to them They all were watching the book, and looking at the pictures. It too was very cute.  He fell asleep in his car seat on the way home and is still sleeping in it. I'm not sure how long he's gonna stay asleep but I'm not moving him. Ami is finally starting to feel better. He hasn't had a fever for several days now. He's still really congested, and has a cough. I called his doctor today to give her an update and she said everything sounded fine. She said if he wasn't back to 100% in a week to call her back. His 4 month check up is on the 17th. I'm glad Josh takes him to those because I don't like watching him get shots.