Hurray I'm One

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wow Ami was grumpy this morning. I still don't know why or what was wrong. He was mad before we left the house and about half way to work he got upset again. I like to believe that he was upset in the car because he had to listen to Daddy's boring NPR radio. Because once I got in the driver seat and turned on music he was fine. It probably was a mixture of boring radio and crazy driving that upset him so much. I'm pretty sure it is Daddy's goal for one or both of us to need to throw up by the time we get to his work. Ami's teachers said he was good today though. We bought him some cheap Walmart brand bottles to use until this thrush thing is over since boiling the good bottles' nipples were destroying them. Turns out he does better with the cheap bottles then the good expensive ones. Last night Ami stayed up kinda late. He was up until 8ish, slept until 3, ate 2 oz, went back to sleep, and didn't wake again until 6. Daddy had an easy night, hopefully he'll get one again tonight. I'm going to try something that the pediatrician said was fine to do. She told us to add 1 tbsp of rice cereal to 4 oz of milk to help with his reflux. Well maybe if we do that in his bottle before bed he might sleep through the night. So I went to Walmart and I actually took him with me... alone... And he did so good, as long as we were moving. He looked around and watched everyone. We sang BINGO and he talked to me. It's kinda hard to steer a cart with a car seat in it, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Besides when he was 6 days old Ami has never been to Walmart. We always take him to one of the grandparents to watch him. I think we could probably start taking him with us. Yeah it will take us longer but I think it will be fine.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Rear View Mirror
I'm so glad that today wasn't another 12 hour day. I got to spend a lot of time with Ami today at work. He's getting good at kicking his legs to get his toys to move. Today when we left work we went on an adventure. We drove down a road that we have never been down before just to see where it would take us. It took an extra 15 min to get to grandma's house, but now we know where that road goes. We got caught behind a school bus so I had a lot of down time while driving. So I watched him in my rear view mirror. He looked around, out the window, and talked to himself in the mirror. He's grown so much. His car seat no longer looks like it's gonna swallow him. He doesn't need that pillow around his head any more, and he's almost long enough to move the straps up higher. He does so good just laying and watching everything that goes on around him. When we got to grandpa and grandma's, grandma was home already. They sat and talked and smiled. He showed her how he kicks at hanging toys. Great grandma and grandpa came over to our house and brought us diapers. They ones he was wearing are still too big and he poops out of them. They got to see the pictures that daddy took of us when we went to Buseick. Tonight was bath night! I love bath night. He does so good. I take a bath with him and we get to hang out for a while just us. We talk and go over our body parts. Ami gets a baby massage and mommy gets to kiss nakedness. He likes to float and kick his legs. My favorite part is how great he smells after the bath, all fresh and clean. Friday night we are having fall open house and a trunk or treat at my work. Ami is gonna be super man for Halloween. Saturday night Josh and I get to have a date night, thanks to his parents. We still aren't sure where we are going to go eat or what we are going to go do but I'm excited. On Sunday we are going to go trick or treating at all of the grandparent's houses. I figure if we get started around 2 we might be back home by 8. I'm getting excited about the up coming holiday season. I've begun some of my shopping for Christmas and we are going to go to Eminence for Thanksgiving. My grandparents have only seen dude man once and for like 10 min. But not to worry we will be making our rounds before we leave and after we come back so everyone can see the baby. I'm kinda nervous about a 2 hour car ride with a 2 month old. We might leave a little bit early so we have some leeway in our trip.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Smiles and Finger Nails
Today was a day for some firsts for mommy. Ami never smiles for me. He'll talk to me all day long but smiles not so much. Well not today! We talked and smiled all morning. It made me so happy. He also let me cut his finger nails with clippers, while awake! Josh was making fun of me because my hands were shaking so much but I did it. Robin will be so proud of me...He hasn't had a fever all day. I've decided that I really don't like shots. Ami got to see Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma, and Great Grandpa yesterday. Mommy got to go out with Lindsey last night and see a movie. I also got my hair cut. Nothing major, just layers. Tomorrow and Tuesday are going to be long days for both of us. Ami's thrush is much better. The white patches in his mouth are gone but he still has to take the medicine for another 9 days. I went through his clothes today to sort out the ones that are too small, and I came across the outfit they put him in when he was born. I can't believe how little it is. He has grown so much in 2 months. I know they say kids grow up fast but good god does it have to be that fast. I'm pretty sure at this rate he's gonna be walking in a few weeks. I'm excited to see him grow and change and do new things but then again I dread it. I know that one of these days he's not going to want to cuddle with me, he's not going to want to hold my hand, he will rather hang out with his friend's parents than his own, he will scream that he hates me and wishes he was never born. He will be one of those kids I saw standing on the corner downtown some where with a hoochy girl in his arms. It makes me sad and leaves me hoping tomorrow gets here slowly. So for today I will let my son sleep on my chest, I will blow raspberries on his little pot belly, and pretend to eat tiny toes. I will change every poopy diaper with a smile on my face and gladly wear clothes that smell of spit up.
Friday, October 22, 2010
12 Hour Glass of wine kind of day
It's been a big day for both of us. I worked for almost 12 hours today and I have to do the same on Monday and Tuesday but that's fine I like over time. As for Ami. He got to spend the morning with Daddy. Then he got to go to the doctor to get his first set of shots. He weighed 10 lbs 4oz, was 24 in long and had a head circumference of 40 cm. He's getting to be a big boy. Daddy said he did really well with his shots. He cried so hard no sound was coming out but once that was over he settled right down.We've been giving him Tylenol every 4 hours to keep the pain down and the possible fever at bay. Hopefully it will make for a better weekend. After the doctor he came and spent the day with Mommy at daycare. I'm sure we'll go see Grandma and Grandpa this weekend since they come home from Mexico tonight.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bring on the Crib
Now that Ami is 2 months old and no longer a "new born" I think it is time for him to do "big" boy things. Like no longer sleep in his swing. So we decided to cut out one nap in the swing a week. So today was day one. He actually took two naps today at school in his crib. We are also no longer going to have the swing swinging the whole time while he is sleeping. Once he falls asleep we are shutting it off. At school he has a mobile above him that he loves to watch so I went out today and bought him a mobile. I also found the most amazing store today. It is call Moody Blue and it is in Ozark by Walmart. It's a resale store for children and adults and they have really good prices on nice stuff. They also do custom embroidering there. I got several nice things for Ami today. Good thing Mommy works lots of over time. School pictures came in this week. I'm not super happy with them. Daddy takes better pictures then the "professionals" that we had come in. Daddy took some really good pictures of Ami and me this past weekend when we went on a hike. I'll post some later. I've noticed lately that Ami is able to look at and track things at a much further distance then he has been able to before. It's so exciting to see him doing new things everyday. I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring for us.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Napping at Grandma's
Well it's 4:25 pm and Ami is doing his usual thing, taking a nap at Grandma and Grandpa's. Today and yesterday both at school he sat in the bouncy seat and kicked at the toys. He's finally figuring out that when he does that things play music! He loves music, good thing we named him Amadeus. His teachers say that he is a really good baby. They tell me that he watches the other babies and will sit and coo at them. He also smiles a lot for them. He has tons of smiles for everyone but me. I got to play hooky at work today for about 30 min and go play with Ami. It was so nice. He laid on the floor and just talked to me. He followed the ducky with his eyes. His future bff, Mr. Hudson, came to see him at school today! Hopefully next week Hudson and Ami will be able to hang out more often when Hudson starts daycare. We were finally able to get the thrush medicine yesterday and it must taste really good cuz he just sucked on the syringe. Hopefully he'll stay awake long enough tonight to get his much needed bath. He's starting to look homeless with his dirty little hands and finger nails. We are going to be starting to ween him off of his swing. We would really like to be able put him in his crib that his grandpa worked so long and hard on. Which turned out beautifully.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Beginning
Amadeus is two months old today. I can't believe it's been two months already, he has grown and changed so much. Ami weighed 7lbs 13.5oz when he was born, and he now weighs 10lbs 8oz. He was born at 11:43pm on August 19, 2010. After a 17hr labor and being stuck at a 6 for 4 of those hours we decided to extract him. The doctor said when they cut me open Ami was face up and looking at them. They told me not to be surprised if he didn't start crying right away since he was c-section. Well he came out a screamin. I should have known right then what we were in for. I wouldn't say Ami is a bad baby but he is demanding. He has GERD, sensitive skin, has had 2 yeast infections, and now has thrush and his third yeast infection. I believe he is slightly advanced though. He has been able to hold his head up since the day he was born and has been crying real tears since the second day. He's been trying to roll over since he was 2 weeks. He gets to his side but thats about it. He likes to sit and talk to you. He is doing more than cooing now. He copies the sounds you make and makes sounds after you do. He has anyone who meets him wrapped around his little fingers. Especially the grandparents. He's a good kid and I can't wait to see what the next two months have in store for us.
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