Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Napping at Grandma's

Well it's 4:25 pm and Ami is doing his usual thing, taking a nap at Grandma and Grandpa's. Today and yesterday both at school he sat in the bouncy seat and kicked at the toys. He's finally figuring out that when he does that things play music! He loves music, good thing we named him Amadeus. His teachers say that he is a really good baby. They tell me that he watches the other babies and will sit and coo at them. He also smiles a lot for them. He has tons of smiles for everyone but me. I got to play hooky at work today for about 30 min and go play with Ami. It was so nice. He laid on the floor and just talked to me. He followed the ducky with his eyes. His future bff, Mr. Hudson, came to see him at school today! Hopefully next week Hudson and Ami will be able to hang out more often when Hudson starts daycare. We were finally able to get the thrush medicine yesterday and it must taste really good cuz he just sucked on the syringe. Hopefully he'll stay awake long enough tonight to get his much needed bath. He's starting to look homeless with his dirty little hands and finger nails. We are going to be starting to ween him off of his swing. We would really like to be able put him in his crib that his grandpa worked so long and hard on. Which turned out beautifully.

1 comment:

  1. Also, so you can use that nifty little camera you installed. That was pretty sweet. I want to come see him again sometime. Perhaps Tuesday? Before Glee, of course. ;)
