Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Wow Ami was grumpy this morning. I still don't know why or what was wrong. He was mad before we left the house and about half way to work he got upset again. I like to believe that he was upset in the car because he had to listen to Daddy's boring NPR radio. Because once I got in the driver seat and turned on music he was fine. It probably was a mixture of boring radio and crazy driving that upset him so much. I'm pretty sure it is Daddy's goal for one or both of us to need to throw up by the time we get to his work. Ami's teachers said he was good today though. We bought him some cheap Walmart brand bottles to use until this thrush thing is over since boiling the good bottles' nipples were destroying them. Turns out he does better with the cheap bottles then the good expensive ones. Last night Ami stayed up kinda late. He was up until 8ish, slept until 3, ate 2 oz, went back to sleep, and didn't wake again until 6. Daddy had an easy night, hopefully he'll get one again tonight. I'm going to try something that the pediatrician said was fine to do. She told us to add 1 tbsp of rice cereal to 4 oz of milk to help with his reflux. Well maybe if we do that in his bottle before bed he might sleep through the night. So I went to Walmart and I actually took him with me... alone... And he did so good, as long as we were moving. He looked around and watched everyone. We sang BINGO and he talked to me. It's kinda hard to steer a cart with a car seat in it, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Besides when he was 6 days old Ami has never been to Walmart. We always take him to one of the grandparents to watch him. I think we could probably start taking him with us. Yeah it will take us longer but I think it will be fine.

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