three generations
Granny and Ami
Cousin Westin and his Grandma Cindy
Papa Jim and Ami
Cousin Taylor and Ami
Aunt Cindy
Hurray I'm One

Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving went really well. Ami did super good in the car and at Granny and Papa's. He did good Friday at Great Grandpa and Grandma Cozort's. Saturday morning he woke up with a little cough and a runny nose. We were getting ready to leave to go see my grandma in the hospital, and I noticed he felt warm. Took his temp and it was 100.3 which I know isn't a temp but we went ahead and gave him some tylenol. After we gave him the tylenol he projectile vomited all over me. Well we did not go see grandma in the hospital. I called the nurse on call number and they told me what to do. We took him to Papa and Nana's house, and Josh and I went Christmas shopping. He did well at Papa and Nana's house until we got there. From then on he was very grumpy. That night his temp went to 101.3 and he slept for no longer then an hour at a time. The next morning his temp was 101.7 and he had a gray bm. I called the nurse on call again and they told me to take him to urgent care. We took him in and they did a chest xray; he has pneumonia in his right lung, and the beginnings of an ear infection in his right ear. They gave him an antibiotic shot and told us to bring him back today for a recheck. I got to see the xray today and she showed me the area in question. She said his ear infection wasn't bad and she cleaned his ears out. I'm supposed to call back on Wednesday to let her know how he's doing. She gave me an oral antibiotic for the next 10 days. He slept much better last night. He only woke up twice and at 1:00 am he didn't have a fever anymore. He took a massive nap today. He slept from 8-1. It's been a stressful and exhausting weekend. On the bright side we did get all of our Christmas shopping done this weekend. We got Ami an elf shirt and beanie that says Elf In Training. It's super cute. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow and we can take him to get his picture taken with Santa at Bass Pro.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
1st Turkey Day
On Tuesday we went to a family birthday party at Aunt Robin's house. I was a little nervous about it since Ami seems to be more grumpy in the evenings. But he did fantastic. He put up with all the handling and being passed back and forth. He didn't do his screaming for the bottle thing that he now likes to do. At 7:30 he got tired and was done with it all, but that was fine and understandable. He passed out in the car and didn't wake back up until 3 am. Josh said we should take him to Robin's every day if he's gonna sleep like that after. I think he did so well because there was so much to see. Lots of people, noise, and lights. The giant tv helped also. It's like taking him to Walmart. He loves it there, actually to any store. Lots of lights, people, and noises. So that gives me hope for this Thanksgiving weekend. The weather and the driving is whats got me worried. But I have faith in Josh's driving and I know he can get me where we're going, plus the car is a tank. I took Ami to Walmart yesterday to exchange his formula. He was on Enfamil Lipil and was spitting it up a lot. The doc told me to put him on soy, but I know he's not lactose intolerant because he took breast milk just fine. So we are trying other options first, and soy is our last resort. I wasn't very happy with his nurse. She told me I was wrong and treated me like I was dumb. Sorry lady but I think I know my son a little better then you do, and I know what he acts like when his medicine isn't working. I see him everyday and you've seen him twice. But that's for another day. I am writing this at 5:30 am because someone thought it would be awesome to eat every 2 hours, wake up at 2 am to talk, and then again at 5:00 to talk. At least he's in a good mood and will hopefully be tired today and sleep on the car ride. We are going to Eminence today to see Granny and Papa. I've been told they are very excited to see Ami. Then tomorrow is another Thanksgiving on the Cozort side, and I believe there is another one on Saturday at Nana and Papa's. I'm gonna wear my spandex top pants for the next three days. Not because I think I'm gonna eat too much, but because they are my warmest since they are maternity and cover my whole belly. This weekend is Christmas shopping, and next week is pictures with Santa. I can't believe Christmas is in one month. This year has flown by. I think it's because we have been so busy, and we will always be busy now.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 19, 2010
These pictures were taken last Friday when we went to the woods.
This is the grin I get in the mornings when I get him out of bed.
This is the mommy your funny grin
He loves his giraffe they are bffs.
This is the grin I get in the mornings when I get him out of bed.
This is the mommy your funny grin
He loves his giraffe they are bffs.
3 Months Old
Happy 3 month birthday big boy. Today Ami got his pictures taken at Nana's work. He wore a red Christmas sweater and they combed his hair to look like a comb over. Yesterday he giggled at daycare, and today he tried to roll over. I am missing my son grow up because I have to work. This sucks. I'm hoping that it really is going to be in the upper 60's this weekend. Need to get us some good ole vitamin D. I put a video on here of Ami that Josh took on his phone. Better videos will come after Christmas since my wonderful mom is getting me a video camera. I'm excited.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Beautiful Baby
It's official and not just me, my baby is beautiful. I think everyone thinks their child is beautiful; every grandparent thinks their grandchild is beautiful, but that's bias. So I have always wondered if Ami is really beautiful or if it is just me and the family that think that. Nope. Every person who has ever met him loves him and always tells me how beautiful he is. Baby modeling here we come! Oh what a rainy horrible day it has been. Ami has been great but everyone else, wow. Days like today really make me want a very long vacation. When I picked up Ami he was sitting in the bouncy seat and he was reaching out and grabbing the toys that were hanging in front of him. It wasn't an accident, he was really doing it. Ms. Brenda said they were reading a book and she read it several times to him to make sure she was seeing what she thought she was. When she got to the blue and the red pages (it was a book about colors) he would reach out to touch the pages and he would talk to them. He is recognizing and responding to these colors. It's like all of a sudden he's had a learning/developmental explosion. I can't believe he's going to be 3 months old on Friday. It has now been a year since I got pregnant with him (abouts). It amazes me how much things can change in a year. I remember when Josh and I got married we would just look at each other and say "Really? Are we really married?" Now I look at Ami and think the same thing. Do I actually have a son? No one is going to show up one day and say just kidding, we'll take him back now. He truly is a little miracle, and a blessing. Everyday he grows and changes just a little bit. He tells big long stories. He points his finger and shakes his hand at you. When he wakes up in the morning and is ready to be awake, he lays there and talks. He rarely bobbles his head when he is sitting up. He is starting to tolerate tummy time. He throws fits now when you do something that he doesn't want you to do. Like in the middle of the night and he needs his diaper changed but all he wants is his bottle and to go back to bed; he screams at you. It's not a hurt scream, it's not a hungry scream, it's an I'm mad at you scream. He is going to be a strong willed person, which will have it's ups and downs. But that's later, and we will deal with that then.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Weekend
It's been a good weekend. On Friday I got off work early so we took Ami to the woods. Josh and his friend sighted in their guns for hunting season. Ami and I sat in the back of the Volvo and had a photo shoot. I took some really cute pictures of him. He should be a model he loves the camera. We also took him for a walk in the woods. He looked around at all of the colorful leaves. On Saturday we got to hang out in the morning while Josh was hunting. Then we went to Best Buy, Sears, and Walmart. He did pretty good. He only got grumpy because he needed his reflux medicine. This morning he woke me up by talking. He was in his crib just talking to the fish on his mobile. I'd say he spent a good 10 minutes talking to them. When he finally started getting bored, I walked in there and he smiled at me. We got to have some mommy baby time while daddy slept in. Then when we went down for his morning nap so did I. It was nice but I am afraid he might be getting his days and nights confused. He woke up about every 2 hours last night but took a long morning nap. We did our best to keep him awake today. He was very talkative today. I wish I knew what he was saying to us because it was a big and very funny story. When he talks he pushes his lips out and moves them all around. He is picking up on how we are moving our mouths when we talk. I scared him today. He had just woke up in his bouncy seat and had kicked his blanket off. I walked up to him from his side, grabbed his thigh and said I see your leg. He jumped and turned toward me and let out a scream like I had tried to kill him. I couldn't help but laugh, Ami didn't think it was so funny. Josh had to calm him down because he didn't want to have anything to do with me. On Friday he is getting his pictures taken at Nana's (Grandma Gina) work. She bought him a Christmas sweater to wear.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Reflux Sucks
Ami had a really bad day at school today. At one point he screamed so loud that it sent me running to the baby room because I thought they had dropped him or something. He spit up all day and cried like someone was killing him. I took him to the doc after I got off work and he now weighs 11 lbs 3 oz, and needs his reflux meds upped. He's taking a good nap now, the first one all day. I wish this reflux would go away. The medicine is really expensive, insurance doesn't want to cover it, and when he out grows his dose he gets really bad really fast. I had a feeling that he had out grown his dose on Monday but Josh assured me that he was fine, and that he was just being picky. I guess I need to trust my mommy instincts a little bit more. I think we are gonna take Ami to Bass Pro some time soon and get his pictures taken with Santa. I'm not sure how I feel about making my child sit on some strange man's lap that's dressed up in a weird costume just for a picture. It's a little creapy. We teach our children about stranger danger, but then we have them sit on grown mens' laps who they don't know, we don't know, and half the time have no way of being able to identify them if something happens...all for a photo. I'm torn. Ami did some more new things yesterday. On the way to work he was sitting in his car seat pursing his lips together and making farting sounds. When I laughed at him he just smiled and did it again. Then after work he was laying on the activity mat and he held up his fist and stared at it and then swung and hit his toys on purpose! I was so proud. I tried to get a picture of it but he was moving so much it just looked like a blur of baby. So I asked Santa for a video camera for Christmas. So not only will there be pictures of the little booger on here but videos also.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Ami has been in a bit of a funk since yesterday. I think it has to do with the time change. Yesterday especially he wanted to sleep a lot in the evening and then was very restless in the night. Today at daycare when I went in to see him he was still very restless in his sleep. I can tell his is dreaming now. He talks in his sleep. Saturday night just after we put him down he let out a very loud OOOHHHHH and a very loud UUUUHHHHH. Walked in his room and he was sound asleep and smiling. He melts my heart. Breaking him of the swing wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be. I think daycare helped a lot with that though. They stopped putting him in the swing for naps long before we took him out of it at home. But if he's anything like me it really won't matter where he is to go to sleep. Hopefully breaking him of the binky won't be that hard either. I've been reading him books at night. He looks around them to watch tv but I still read them. We have been introducing him to formula a little bit at a time since my milk supply has tanked, and he is doing really well on it. He actually takes it better then he does the breast milk. He eats more of it and doesn't fight you as much. Maybe because that's what he got in the beginning so that's what he likes best. Maybe the formula will chunk him up a bit too. He still doesn't take a full 4 oz every feeding. Usually it's in the ball park of 2-3 oz. We don't force him to eat and we still feed on demand. We aren't putting the rice in his milk any more. It caused him not to have a BM for 3 days and give him really bad gas. We'll try rice again at 4 months.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Long day
Today was the first time Ami went to daycare and I wasn't there. I must say I don't like it. I had a training to go to all day, so Josh took Ami to daycare and will be bringing him home. I've missed the little booger today. I am so proud of him though. He has been sleeping in his crib at daycare for a while now, so I decided that last night was the night to try out sleeping in his crib at home. He did it and did great. He fell asleep around 7:30 like normal and slept til 1. It took a little while for him to go back to sleep after he ate but only 40 min and didn't wake up again until 5:40. He's getting to be such a big boy. Yesterday he looked at fish at daycare and Ms. Brenda said he just watched them. I feel like I'm missing out on his life. He's at daycare all day Mon-Thurs and by the time we get home at 6 he eats, hangs out for a bit, and then goes to bed. Friday he spends all day with Josh, so all I get is the weekends. I feel like other people are raising my child for me. I like my job but I'd really like to be a stay at home mom. Since that can't happen I guess I'll have to squeeze as much mommy baby time as I can into the evening before he goes to bed. Last night was bath night. I had him sitting up in the tub and Mr. Bobble Head gave out and he face planted in the water. All that hit the water was his mouth but that was enough. I looked at me with a what the... just happened look, choked a little bit then started crying. I had to laugh, it was funny and cute all at the same time. He got over it and enjoyed the rest of his bath as usual. I'm hoping that with as much as he likes the bath that he'll like swimming. I plan on starting swim lessons at 6 months, that's the soonest you can start them. I can't believe he's gonna be 3 months old this month. Today he is 11 weeks old. I'm getting pretty excited about taking Ami to Eminence for Thanksgiving. My grandparents have only seen him once. He was only a few days old and they only stayed for a few minutes. None of my family on my dad's side have seen him. The day before Thanksgiving we are going to take Ami to see some of Josh's family after we get off work. That's going to be a busy weekend then also.
Super Man
Sunday was our first big holiday as a family. What a busy day it was. We left the house at 12:30 and didn't get back home until around 8 or 8:30. We had one very grumpy boy by the end of it all. We started our day off by going to Morgan's 8th birthday party. We got to see lots of family, even baby cousin Jakub was there. He's one month older then Ami. After the birthday party we headed to Nixa to do a little trick or treating. We went to Grandma Stark and Aunt Tina's house first, then we went to Grandpa and Grandma Cozort's house. After that we went and saw Great Grandpa and Grandma Cozort's house. Ami hadn't seen them in over a month. At dark we headed back into Springfield to Great Grandpa and Grandma Bowers'. Michelle, Chris, and Mason were there. Then we went to see Grandpa and Grandma Fry. The only nap he took that day was for about 45 min at Dave and Elsie's house. I think he did pretty well for how much we did and how much he got handled by everyone. He was super cute in his costume and he didn't seem to mind wearing it.
Ami with Grandpa and Grandma Cozort, and of course Sophie
Daddy likes to pose Ami like Super Man and I thought it was very funny.
The only time Ami looks like Josh is when we stick his ears out. Thank goodness Ami didn't get those ears.
Ami with Papa Herb
Ami with Grandpa and Grandma Cozort, and of course Sophie
Daddy likes to pose Ami like Super Man and I thought it was very funny.
The only time Ami looks like Josh is when we stick his ears out. Thank goodness Ami didn't get those ears.
Ami with Papa Herb
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