Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beautiful Baby

It's official and not just me, my baby is beautiful. I think everyone thinks their child is beautiful; every grandparent thinks their grandchild is beautiful, but that's bias. So I have always wondered if Ami is really beautiful or if it is just me and the family that think that. Nope. Every person who has ever met him loves him and always tells me how beautiful he is. Baby modeling here we come! Oh what a rainy horrible day it has been. Ami has been great but everyone else, wow. Days like today really make me want a very long vacation. When I picked up Ami he was sitting in the bouncy seat and he was reaching out and grabbing the toys that were hanging in front of him. It wasn't an accident, he was really doing it. Ms. Brenda said they were reading a book and she read it several times to him to make sure she was seeing what she thought she was. When she got to the blue and the red pages (it was a book about colors) he would reach out to touch the pages and he would talk to them. He is recognizing and responding to these colors. It's like all of a sudden he's had a learning/developmental explosion. I can't believe he's going to be 3 months old on Friday. It has now been a year since I got pregnant with him (abouts). It amazes me how much things can change in a year. I remember when Josh and I got married we would just look at each other and say "Really? Are we really married?" Now I look at Ami and think the same thing. Do I actually have a son? No one is going to show up one day and say just kidding, we'll take him back now. He truly is a little miracle, and a blessing. Everyday he grows and changes just a little bit. He tells big long stories. He points his finger and shakes his hand at you. When he wakes up in the morning and is ready to be awake, he lays there and talks. He rarely bobbles his head when he is sitting up. He is starting to tolerate tummy time. He throws fits now when you do something that he doesn't want you to do. Like in the middle of the night and he needs his diaper changed but all he wants is his bottle and to go back to bed; he screams at you. It's not a hurt scream, it's not a hungry scream, it's an I'm mad at you scream. He is going to be a strong willed person, which will have it's ups and downs. But that's later, and we will deal with that then. 

1 comment:

  1. He has grown so much since Pumpkin days! I need to come and visit and see the lil man. I agree that he is beautiful and I can't wait to see him grow up and change. I love him as if he were my own.You and Josh are great parents sis. Love you guys.
