Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Long day

Today was the first time Ami went to daycare and I wasn't there. I must say I don't like it. I had a training to go to all day, so Josh took Ami to daycare and will be bringing him home. I've missed the little booger today. I am so proud of him though. He has been sleeping in his crib at daycare for a while now, so I decided that last night was the night to try out sleeping in his crib at home. He did it and did great. He fell asleep around 7:30 like normal and slept til 1. It took a little while for him to go back to sleep after he ate but only 40 min and didn't wake up again until 5:40. He's getting to be such a big boy. Yesterday he looked at fish at daycare and Ms. Brenda said he just watched them. I feel like I'm missing out on his life. He's at daycare all day Mon-Thurs and by the time we get home at 6 he eats, hangs out for a bit, and then goes to bed. Friday he spends all day with Josh, so all I get is the weekends. I feel like other people are raising my child for me. I like my job but I'd really like to be a stay at home mom. Since that can't happen I guess I'll have to squeeze as much mommy baby time as I can into the evening before he goes to bed. Last night was bath night. I had him sitting up in the tub and Mr. Bobble Head gave out and he face planted in the water. All that hit the water was his mouth but that was enough. I looked at me with a what the... just happened look, choked a little bit then started crying. I had to laugh, it was funny and cute all at the same time. He got over it and enjoyed the rest of his bath as usual. I'm hoping that with as much as he likes the bath that he'll like swimming. I plan on starting swim lessons at 6 months, that's the soonest you can start them. I can't believe he's gonna be 3 months old this month. Today he is 11 weeks old. I'm getting pretty excited about taking Ami to Eminence for Thanksgiving. My grandparents have only seen him once. He was only a few days old and they only stayed for a few minutes. None of my family on my dad's side have seen him. The day before Thanksgiving we are going to take Ami to see some of Josh's family after we get off work. That's going to be a busy weekend then also.

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