Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Monday, November 8, 2010


Ami has been in a bit of a funk since yesterday. I think it has to do with the time change. Yesterday especially he wanted to sleep a lot in the evening and then was very restless in the night. Today at daycare when I went in to see him he was still very restless in his sleep. I can tell his is dreaming now. He talks in his sleep. Saturday night just after we put him down he let out a very loud OOOHHHHH and a very loud UUUUHHHHH. Walked in his room and he was sound asleep and smiling. He melts my heart. Breaking him of the swing wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be. I think daycare helped a lot with that though. They stopped putting him in the swing for naps long before we took him out of it at home. But if he's anything like me it really won't matter where he is to go to sleep. Hopefully breaking him of the binky won't be that hard either. I've been reading him books at night. He looks around them to watch tv but I still read them. We have been introducing him to formula a little bit at a time since my milk supply has tanked, and he is doing really well on it. He actually takes it better then he does the breast milk. He eats more of it and doesn't fight you as much. Maybe because that's what he got in the beginning so that's what he likes best. Maybe the formula will chunk him up a bit too. He still doesn't take a full 4 oz every feeding. Usually it's in the ball park of 2-3 oz. We don't force him to eat and we still feed on demand. We aren't putting the rice in his milk any more. It caused him not to have a BM for 3 days and give him really bad gas. We'll try rice again at 4 months.

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