Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reflux Sucks

Ami had a really bad day at school today. At one point he screamed so loud that it sent me running to the baby room because I thought they had dropped him or something. He spit up all day and cried like someone was killing him. I took him to the doc after I got off work and he now weighs 11 lbs 3 oz, and needs his reflux meds upped. He's taking a good nap now, the first one all day. I wish this reflux would go away. The medicine is really expensive, insurance doesn't want to cover it, and when he out grows his dose he gets really bad really fast. I had a feeling that he had out grown his dose on Monday but Josh assured me that he was fine, and that he was just being picky. I guess I need to trust my mommy instincts a little bit more. I think we are gonna take Ami to Bass Pro some time soon and get his pictures taken with Santa. I'm not sure how I feel about making my child sit on some strange man's lap that's dressed up in a weird costume just for a picture. It's a little creapy. We teach our children about stranger danger, but then we have them sit on grown mens' laps who they don't know, we don't know, and half the time have no way of being able to identify them if something happens...all for a photo. I'm torn. Ami did some more new things yesterday. On the way to work he was sitting in his car seat pursing his lips together and making farting sounds. When I laughed at him he just smiled and did it again. Then after work he was laying on the activity mat and he held up his fist and stared at it and then swung and hit his toys on purpose! I was so proud. I tried to get a picture of it but he was moving so much it just looked like a blur of baby. So I asked Santa for a video camera for Christmas. So not only will there be pictures of the little booger on here but videos also.

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