Hurray I'm One

Hurray I'm One

Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving went really well. Ami did super good in the car and at Granny and Papa's. He did good Friday at Great Grandpa and Grandma Cozort's. Saturday morning he woke up with a little cough and a runny nose. We were getting ready to leave to go see my grandma in the hospital, and I noticed he felt warm. Took his temp and it was 100.3 which I know isn't a temp but we went ahead and gave him some tylenol. After we gave him the tylenol he projectile vomited all over me. Well we did not go see grandma in the hospital. I called the nurse on call number and they told me what to do. We took him to Papa and Nana's house, and Josh and I went Christmas shopping. He did well at Papa and Nana's house until we got there. From then on he was very grumpy. That night his temp went to 101.3 and he slept for no longer then an hour at a time. The next morning his temp was 101.7 and he had a gray bm. I called the nurse on call again and they told me to take him to urgent care. We took him in and they did a chest xray; he has pneumonia in his right lung, and the beginnings of an ear infection in his right ear. They gave him an antibiotic shot and told us to bring him back today for a recheck. I got to see the xray today and she showed me the area in question. She said his ear infection wasn't bad and she cleaned his ears out. I'm supposed to call back on Wednesday to let her know how he's doing. She gave me an oral antibiotic for the next 10 days. He slept much better last night. He only woke up twice and at 1:00 am he didn't have a fever anymore. He took a massive nap today. He slept from 8-1. It's been a stressful and exhausting weekend. On the bright side we did get all of our Christmas shopping done this weekend. We got Ami an elf shirt and beanie that says Elf In Training. It's super cute. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow and we can take him to get his picture taken with Santa at Bass Pro. 

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